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Month: November 2016

Childhood is Very Important – Behind the Scenes of The Child City Digital Magazine

Children’s publishing is demanding, and still represented by the fraction of digital publications —children apps — available online.

We’re always happy to put our 2 cents into this fabulous area of digital publishing.

As a father of two I know how hard it might be to learn kids identifying opportunities among the ocean of online threats.

In this case, apps for kids appear to be the great solution for parents to sleep well when kids are on tablets. That’s true not only about magazine apps but all sort of apps of various industries for kids including digital publishing for children.

News App for WordPress Blogs from PressPad

PressPad News, a WordPress to mobile app platform is a mobile marketing tool for bloggers, online magazines, and ebook authors.

We called it PressPad News because after connecting with your WordPress blog or a web magazine, the app brings the latest content from your site right to your reader’s iPhone or iPad.